
Busy Saturday

Dan Galindo was successful in getting 3 tee times for us.
Thanks, Dan.
Here are the details: Lions Muny, 0730, 0737, 0745 ... Saturday, Oct. 11

Yes, the fine folks at Lions permitted us three times.
It's important that we use all three of them, if possible.
And it's important that we show up on time.
On time is defined as not later than 0720.

Yes, it promises to be a busy Saturday, especially with a certain football game having been scheduled.
As you may know, however, it may be your best opportunity to welcome the "Ferdie for President" campaign.
You haven't heard about that?
Saturday morning at Lions offers a good chance to learn more.
Or, you could just click here.

To confirm your intent to play, you can leave a comment on this blog.
Or, as soon as possible, you can email or phone Chris P. or Ferdie L. as you have done in the past.
However you do it, Chris and Ferdie need to have some good idea of how many players we should expect to be present.

Hope to see y'all Saturday.