The weekly adventures of a select group of Austin-area golfers.
Son and father at Lions
At the 18th tee box at Lions on Nov. 28, son Mark Luna and his father, Ferdie, prepare to finish their round as part of Mark's brief visit over the Thanksgiving holiday. [TIMCpix] TIP: Left click on pix to see larger view.
"Remember, Ferdie, L-U-N-A is a four-letter word ... and so is P-U-T-T!" -- Cunningham
"The woods are full of long-ball hitters."
"Never up, never in."
"Never in the fairway, Always in the rough, Hitting out of bunkers, Man this life is tough!" -- thanks to Dr. O
"If it's behind the tree, it must be me." -- F. Luna (11-22-2008)
"Grip it and RIP it!"
"Don't be short."
"Does your husband play golf?" -- said to a short knocker
The experience of golf is better when courtesy is seen and sometimes unheard.
Tip of the day:As a golfer prepares to hit a shot, others in the group should remain still (not walking ahead) and quiet. While the sounds of birds, passing cars, and planes overhead may pass without objection, rattling of clubs or keys, sidebar conversations, and sneezing are sure to spur consternation. Earplugs are not considered the appropriate remedy. If courtesy is violated, sincere apologies may prove helpful. On the other hand, a demand for apology from the aggrieved can be seen as discourteous. DISCUSS among yourselves.
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